21 Nov The Workshop entitled “The role of European Innovation Partnerships in plant protection” was successfully held
The workshop entitled “The role of European Innovation Partnerships in plant protection” was successfully held on 18 November 2024 at ELMEPA in Heraklion, Crete, where agricultural advisors, agronomists, producers, students and other stakeholders attended.
As planned in the programme of the event the objectives and results of the DACO-TECH project were presented in two presentations entitled “Applications of Precision Agriculture Technologies in the Control of the Olive fruit fly” and “Protocol for Integrated Control of Olive fruit fly in Olive Groves in Crete” with Dr. G. Fouskitakis (ELMEPA) and Dr. K. Varikou (IELYA/ELGO-DIMITRA) as speakers.
You can watch the Workshop at the following link: http://youtube.hmu.gr